Saturday, July 15, 2006

Potty Training

Potty Training two puppies at once may be the most difficult task of my life thus far. Ok, I know that's a little bit of an overstatement, but seriously, these dogs are just too much. Smudge is the little angel who does everything right. He poops and pees in his little port o' potty and walks with the leash just fine. Here's an example of the port o' potty. Spanky, on the other hand, is true to his name and personality and just doesn't give a flip. Someday, he'll get it. Positive Thinking.

I can only hope I wasn't this difficult to train when I was just a pup.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger Chris said...

When we were potty training our dog, we would take him outside, give the go-to-the bathroom command, and then wait. And wait. He wouldn't go to the bathroom outside for the longest time. He would wait us out and as soon as we stepped foot in the house, he would promptly do his business on the floor. We gave him away. The end.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger the doze said...

This is the very reason why God made puppies and babies so cute. I feel your pain. Believe me, it gets better.


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