Saturday, July 01, 2006

Buy the Catalog Bitch

Ok, so this past weekend (I'm finally getting around to writing about it) was Gay Pride Seattle. Kris Duffield and Becka made it out from Salt Lake City and we had the usual friends along for a couple of really fun nights. I am going to recount one incident on one very fun Friday night that deserves mentioning.

We left the apartment after a few martinis heading to one of everyone else's favorite bars "Purr." (I have recently decided I don't like that bar much anymore because it has hardly any lighting and people aren't very easy to talk to).

Five of us piled into a taxi cab heading up the hill to the bar. Bob was in the front seat and in a mood. If you know Bob, you know the mood to which I am referring. The taxi cab driver made an interesting choice in route as we headed toward Pike's Market. We were literally stopped at one of the busiest intersections in downtown Seattle when Bob noticed a man making some last minute adjustments on his appearance. Now, first let me say this man was looking rather odd coifing his hair in the dirty glass window of a second hand pipe and cigar shop. However, Bob feels a need to make a point of it saying, "Honey, you loooook Fabulous!"

Four heads in the backseat of the taxi immediately dropped to the floor. I think we were hiding from potential retaliation. It was an impulse for sure. Better yet, the man retaliated with a very different impulse than any of us had expected. In a wit to one-up my cunning and oftentimes very funny boyfriend, the vagrant said without missing a beat, "Buy the Catalog Bitch!" and continued to groom himself.

A hit! The entire night we could not stop laughing and coming up with ways to talk about the man with the come back of the year. In our party state we came up with the title of the catalog and it's tag line:



At 3:04 PM, Blogger craiger said...

I have to coin that phrase and inflict it upon all of mid-missouri! Woo hoo!

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Ed Grow said...

I give you Dare-uh-leekt! PS- watch your back, cause I'm Cruela DeVille and I will take you dogs. Love.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Douglas said...

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At 10:11 PM, Blogger Douglas said...

Where did you find that picture!?!... Wait, is that you on Mad Drugs?


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