Saturday, October 22, 2005

How to effortlessly transport 12 infant children

I was outside my apartment complex yesterday after running a few errands and I happened across one of the strangest sights I have ever seen. Please observe:

Now I don't know if I am appalled or simply wow-ed by the sensibility of the child crating carts. It's almost like eggs. You simply put as many in a Styrofoam container as you can and move them out. Here, we load up as many infant children as possible and ship them out to whatever location suits us.

"Any field trip ideas?" asks the teacher. "Downtown Seattle!" blurts the extremely vocal 2 year olds.

Hey, whatever works. As long as they don't take them to some boot camp or church office for confession right?


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Chris said...

OMG. This is possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen! I betcha some Mormon lady invented those...

At 6:27 PM, Blogger the doze said...

WTF?!? Is there a polygamist colony in Seattle that I should know about... where they manufacture egg-baby transport devices?


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