Friday, November 18, 2005

92 cents and a biscuit

Since when did Denny's become the hopping new sit down eatery. I was in the midst of furniture delivery men, movers and rental furniture picker-uppers yesterday, but I have to admit it...I was seriously craving a "Moons Over My Hammy." Don't laugh! You all know you love that sandwich. Kind of like Dougie-Fresh in this photograph.

Anyway, I followed a pair of carpet munchers into the Denny's assuming one of our groups would be greeted and invited to sit down. Not so, that damn Denny's was so busy! The hostess was making the coffee, frying the bacon and serving the tater tots. After five minutes of torture I had to leave. The movers were showing up in a matter of minutes and I could not be late.

I opted for Taco Bell. In this case, it was a Taco Bell/KFC. I paid for my items, was given 14 dollars in bills, but the young man behind the counter asked me to wait as he got some quarters out of the back to return the 92 cents he owed me. I was in a rush and therefore simply asked him to add on one of those buttery biscuits that I had been secretly devouring in my mind the moment I walked through the door. He obliged but then proceeded to ask me for a dollar to pay him the 59 cents that the biscuit would cost me. I kindly looked at the 16 year old ginger kid and explained to him that he was in the hole to me 92 cents and he could just take that out of what he owed. He looked perplex, started pushing buttons on that machine that we all know resembles a playtime cash machine, and asked if I could wait a few seconds. He returned from what I am calling a "Pow-wow with the shift manager" and gave me 33 cents.

I know working fast food is hard. I worked at Taco Bell for a day once. And my shift manager made me believe that making a taco is like numbchucking your way through the Great Wall. But, seriously's basic addition and subtraction. Don't you think the kids at the Taco Bell should at least be screened for that skill if they are going to be taking our money?


At 3:37 PM, Blogger Chris said...

On the job application at Wal-Mart (not that I have EVER applied for a job there by the way) they have a question that asks, "Can you count to fifty?" I suggest the powers that be at Taco Bell add this question to their applications.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger craiger said...

Ahhh Spence. I do love your anecdotes! I'm not sure which is sadder that Denny's has risen to become THE place to eat there or that the general public is increasingly stoopider. Perhaps there's a corelation!

Chris--I'm scared of any 'powers that be' that eminate from Taco Bell!

At 12:57 AM, Blogger Douglas said...

Your a sceezy Biotch for posting that picture!!

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Chris said...

What's wrong with that picture? Everyone who has ever indulged in the famous, Moons of my Hammy, has wanted it documented. Does Spence have any pictures of you shopping in the DI? Now THAT would be embarassing...

At 9:20 AM, Blogger the doze said...

Mutiny is on the Horizon. You'd better update your blog before Chris and I remove you from our Blog Links... you wouldn't want that, would you? Loves.


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