Sunday, November 05, 2006

Why Not Start At the Potty?

I do believe the urinal is a crafty and intelligent invention. The convenience it offers for men is undeniable.


Lately, and when I say "lately" what I really mean is "over the past year or two," I have noticed a disturbing trend surrounding the use of this gold standard of relieving oneself.

For some reason, every where I go, whether it be Starbucks or the most elegant restaurant one can find, the urinals have a pool of pee at the base just right where one should be standing! Guys, what is up? Was there a recent revolt on the use of the urinal that I was not counted in on? All I know is that it is getting worse and worse. People just don't bother anymore. People seem to think that being considerate of the next urinal user is trite or trivial.

I say, "ENOUGH!" Men, learn to aim. Men, learn to keep the floor of this precious and ingenious invention clean and hazard free for the next chum who passes through. Men, learn that as you age, an extra dribble is normal, just let it fly where it belongs!

I believe we, as a collective male group, can make a difference in this world. Why not start at the potty?


At 11:28 AM, Blogger the doze said...

Spence is right. C'mon guys. Is it really that difficult to aim a little pee? In order to build action against the spray shooters, let's paint a bullseye in the urinal. If men have something to focus their attention on...other than the sports section on the wall (which I have never understood)... it will reduce the likelihood of the splatter pee on the floor. Done and done.
P.S. It's nice to have you back Spence.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

It's still just a bizarre concept to me, it seems like something out of the middle ages, that guys just line up together facing the wall and pee. And from what I hear, sometimes it's just a big long basin. So gross. It seems that with automatic toilets, sinks, towel dispensers, soap dispensers, etc. there would have to be something else out there other than a urinal.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Angela said...

As far as men's bathrooms are concerned I say Pee Freely Men! Where the aiming really counts is in unisex toilets where women unsuspectingly sit down and expose very tender parts to another strange persons wee wee. You think standing in it is gross wait till you get a cold and wet little present on your bum bum...


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