Thursday, November 10, 2005

Who said you were a model?

A couple times in my life, people have said, "you should be a model!" Normally they say it in an exciting way that makes me believe it. I never heard anyone say, "You shouldn't be a model!" Tonight, I think I have proven those kind-hearted individuals, who made me feel so stylish and handsome, entirely wrong. I got home after a great new haircut, feeling, well...handsome and stylish!

I thought it might be fun, while the hubby was away, to take some snap shots and get all cool looking. I guess I understand why modeling shoots can take like entire days. Coz some shoots just aren't up to par. Please observe as I ask the question of myself, "Who said you were a model?"

In my defense, there really was one shot that looked semi decent. But, I promise...this was a one in a hundred shot.

In conclusion, I think it's important to say what we all know in our hearts. Everyone of us is beautiful. We each have our own special style and look that is flawless. We all need to take a look at that beauty more often and thank god for it. So, if there are any poor quality shots like the first I demonstrated, know in our hearts, it's not the model, but the photographer! Now, in my case that was me, putting me in a bit of a pickle.


At 7:17 PM, Blogger Pepperz said...

You are such a hottie. Where's my ether??

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Spence-a-lick said...

I needed to borrow it. My supply was running low. HEHE.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger craiger said...

You ARE such a hottie. And what a wonderful post! Insightful and witty. Love!


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